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Showing posts from May, 2018

Preventing Alzheimer's Neuro Note

Lisa Genova is a well known author and neuroscientist. In 2017 Genova gave a TED Talk on what can be done to prevent Alzheimer's. During her presentation, she goes over the physical cause of Alzheimer's and mentions that there are several factors that play a role in a person developing the disease. Some factors are: age, DNA, lack of deep sleep, poor cardiovascular health, and lack of aerobic exercise. So lets say you are over the age of 65, you are genetically predisposed, don't sleep a lot, have poor cardiovascular health, and don't exercise. Is there anything else you could do that could reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer's? Genova says that through learning new things our brains are creating new synapses and strengthening synapses, a process called neuroplasticity. Individuals who have more years of formal education, high degree of literacy, who take part in mentally stimulating activities, have more cognitive reserve, which is more functional synapses.

Transfatty Lives

Transfatty Lives is a documentary on Netflix made by DJ Transfatty, aka Patrick O'Brien, about his journey with ALS. O'Brien was diagnosed with ALS in 2005 at the age of 31 and decided to make an artistic documentary about his journey. The documentary starts with O'Brien's diagnosis, shows him starting a relationship and having a son, becoming depressed, moving into a nursing home, and moving into an ALS skilled facility. O'Brien opted to have a feeding tube placed and be put on a ventilator. He told the doctor placing the feeding tube that he wanted to be "an electric vegetable", meaning he wanted to live as long as possible. The documentary ends with O'Brien's family and friends saying that the reason O'Brien has lived so long is because he still has a goal to reach, a mission to accomplish. O'Brien has been battling ALS for 12 years. This is an extremely long time to be living with ALS, considering the average lifespan after diagnosis is

Foundations Project